RAMOS , Luiz Fernando. Stabat Mater: The desecration of the self as poetic. In: Black room magazine | Vol. 19 | n. 2 | 2019 | 249-251. Available at: https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v19i2p249-251
MENEZES , Maria Eugênia de. Teatro Jornal, São Paulo. 1.12.2019. The mother of all questions.
Available at: https://teatrojornal.com.br/2019/12/a-mae-de-todas-as-perguntas/#more-23672
AZEVEDO , Amilton de. The mother will still be there after a dreamless night. Burning Ruin. Sao Paulo-SP. 06/14/2019.
Available at: https://medium.com/@ruinaacesa/amãe-ainda-estará-lá-após-uma-noite-sem-sonhos-3a6053ad72f3
SALTIEL , Anita. Stabat Mater: Would you agree to make a porn movie directed by my mom ? in PIXIE. XPlastic. 09/13/2019, Sao Paulo-SP.
Available at: https://xplastic.com.br/blog/stabat-mater/
AVILA SMALL , Daniele. The fundamental desecration, by Daniele Avila Small. Critical Question, 11/16/2019, São Paulo, SP.
Available at: http://www.questaodecritica.com.br/2019/11/stabat-mater/
English version at: http://www.questaodecritica.com.br/2020/03/stabat-mater-english/
ROMAGNOLLI , Luciana. This dark object you want, by Luciana Romagnolli. Horizonte da Cena, 03/18/2020, São Paulo, SP.
Available at: https://www.horizontedacena.com/este-obscuro-objeto-que-deseja/
Interview with Janaina leite . MITSP. 03/23/2020, São Paulo, SP.
Available at: https://mitsp.org/2020/entrevista-com-janaina-leite
NUNES , Leandro. 'Stabat Mater' scratches the barbaric desire of all men on the body of the Virgin Mary . Estadão. 06/20/2019 , São Paulo, SP.
ALVES OLIVEIRA , Nathalia Catharina. Bodies at risk, ALVES OLIVEIRA, Nathalia Catharina. 05/19/2020, São Paulo, SP.
Available at: https://mitsp.org/2020/corpos-em-risco-na-7a-edicao-da-mitsp-por-nathalia-catharina-alves-oliveira/
SUNDAYS , Clovis. Stabat Absentia. Horizonte da Cena 07/12/2020, São Paulo, SP.
Available at: https://www.horizontedacena.com/tag/stabat-mater/
GIANNINI , Paula. Stabat Mater. 03/2020, São Paulo, SP.
Available at: https://osimaginarios.wordpress.com/2019/03/31/stabat-mater-paula-giannini/
Leite, JF (2014) . Three attempts to say the unspeakable - the experience of creating Conversations with my father. Sala Preta, 14 (2), 153-163.
Available at: https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v14i2p153-163
Dal Farra Martins , AF (2014). In third person: about the process of writing the autobiography of another. Sala Preta, 14 (2), 164-170.
Available at: https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v14i2p164-170
Mocarzel (Evaldo Mocarzel), SV (2014). Auto-mise-en-scène : fiction and documentary on the contemporary scene. Sala Preta, 14 (2), 171-181.
Available at: https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v14i2p171-181
Louraço , J. (2014). Figures of speech of the unspeakable in “Conversations with my father”. Sala Preta, 14 (2), 182-186. Available at: https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v14i2p182-186
Salles , CA (2014). Dilution of borders. Sala Preta, 14 (2), 187-197.
Available at: https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v14i2p187-197
Goldenstein Carvalhaes, A. (2014). Theater in process, auto-biographical process: "Conversations with my father". Sala Preta, 14 (2), 198-204.
Available at: https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v14i2p198-204
ALVES , Dirceu. Review
Available at: https://vejasp.abril.com.br/atracao/conversas-com-meu-pai/
Kon, Arthur. Anti-documentary documentary: Truth and fiction in Conversations with my father, by Janaína Leite and Alexandre Dal Farra.
Available at:
ALVES , Dirceu
Available at: https://vejasp.abril.com.br/atracao/festa-de-separacao-um-documentario-cenico/
Separation Party: Theater without borders (documentary) by Evaldo Mocarzel and Fernando Severo
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4oBWW1CPqo
Janaina Leite and Fepa resume theatrical partnership
Available at: http://redeglobo.globo.com/globoteatro/boca-de-cena/noticia/2015/08/janaina-leite-e-fepa-retomam-parceria-teatral-em-novo-espetaculo.html