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Debuted in December 2018 at Vila Maria Zélia - Headquarters of Grupo XIX - São Paulo-SP

Idealization and General Direction: Janaina Leite


In 2018, Janaina Leite proposed a new investigation based on the feminine, the abjection and the figure of the “mother”, now in a research nucleus composed of 34 men and two non-binary people. If the feminine is historically constructed as passivity, vulnerability, that which is penetrable, the masculine in turn is constructed as the rigid, compact, cohesive. From this point emerged the research on the constitution of the Self in the fascist personality, - taking the current moment as an impulse - not only from an authoritarian ideology in the social field, but in a profound formation of the psyche. What is pointed out is that the fear of impotence, the risk of psychic collapse - that lurks each one - but that in man is converted into hypercarapaces, exoskeletons, exhibited in manly and compact collective bodies, offering the ghosts of male omnipotence the archaic basis persistence of primitive aggregations. Not for nothing, in our diptych, part 1 is based on a greater autobiographical and testimonial dimension, with women in a more isolated way demonstrating their effort to constitute a female community, while in part 2, we take the group, the collective, as the main expression of masculinity. Whether in armies, soccer fans, leaving factories, gangs, our imaginary understands the idea of ​​"gang" as a gang of men and never of women. From these common places, the work tries to find a border dimension, the margin, the inside-and-outside, the shuffling that constitutes these abject bodies for themselves but that slip into a political body that goes against the current government established in our country. . Crisis and resistance is what this turbulent and convulsive movement ends up revealing.

The show premiered in December of the same year, served two seasons at Vila Maria Zélia, at the Cia Mungunzá Container Theater (Luz / São Paulo) and performed at Sesc Belenzinho at the Dramaturgias 2 show.




PERFORMERS / AUTHORS: Alexandre Lindo, André Medeiros Martins, Andréa Sá, Carlos Jordão, Chico Lima, Dante Paccola, Diego Araújo, Eduardo Joly, Filipe Rossato, Guilherme Reges, Gustavo Braunstein, Jeffe Grochovs, João Duarte, João Pedro Ribeiro, Leonardo Vasconcelos , Lucas Asseituno, Marco Barreto, Nuno Lima, Thompson Loiola.

DIRECTION AND DRAMATURGISM ASSISTANCE: Ramilla Souza Lighting: Maíra do Nascimento and Marcus Garcia. CREATION AND OPERATION OF SOUND AND TRACKS: Eduardo Joly.

PHOTOGRAPHY: André Cherri, Michel Igielka, Liz Dórea, Flaviana Benjamin, Carol Rolim, Mateus Capelo.

VIDEOS: André Cherri; Diego Araújo, Guilherme Dimov, Victor Rinaldi; Filipe Rossato, Gabriel Pessoto, Fernanda Wagner, Marina Rosa, Juba Bezerra (Poro Produções).

ORIGINAL ART: Miguel Sanchez; Andrés Nigoul (Dynamic Duo).

COMMUNICATION CORE: Thompson Loiola (99 Comunicação) and Alexandre Lindo.

PRODUCTION CENTER AND PROJECTS: João Pedro Ribeiro, Thompson Loiola, Ramilla Souza, Lucas Asseituno, André Medeiros Martins.

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